(Quick Reference)

6 Version History - Reference Documentation


Version: 0.4.4

6 Version History

0.4.4Sep 29, 2013- Bugfix: incompatible with resources 1.2.1
- Bugfix: .css.gsp resources broken on Windows due to JVM bug
0.4.3Sep 18, 2013Bugfix: ensure plugin loads after resources plugin
0.4.2Sep 13, 2013Enhancements/Fixes:
- Allow rendered GSPs in bundles
- Fix broken dependencies due to grails 2.3
- Fix compatibility with Servlet 2.5 and 3.0
0.4.1Jul 6, 2012Bugfix: preserve type from Resources.groovy configuration
0.4Jun 25, 2012Enhancements/Fixes:
- Support all types of GSP output (e.g. HTML) without special configuration
- Support grails.resources.debug config setting
- Generated files now saved in ~/.grails, like other resources plugins
0.31Mar 23, 2012Made compatible with Servlet 2.5 (already 3.0)
0.3Mar 21, 2012Enhancements/Fixes:
- Fix bug causing createLink to break after using gsp-resources
- Fix bug causing resource(dir:"/") to render incorrect context path
- Automatically detect compiled file type from filename
- Support <r:require/>, <g:include/> etc. in GSPs
- Support GSP resource files located in plugins
- Allow delaying resources processing until bootstrap phase
- Process resources in order of dependsOn config
0.2.1Oct 25, 2011Set included resources version to 1.1.1, dependsOn to '1.0.2 > *'
0.2Oct 22, 2011Fixed g:createLink
Made plugin compatible with 2.0RC1.
0.1Oct 15, 2011Initial implementation